Monday, August 5, 2013

The biting at daycare continues, but now it's Brady getting bitten.  Today he got his 5th bite on his arm.  The teachers indicated there's one kid in class that's the biter (we know through unofficial sources it's the manager's son).  The biting seems to occur during disputes over sharing toys or boundaries.  See picture below (mid left forearm).

We did forget to mention a few of Mr Independent's other habits in our last post.  For one, he is very particular which books he wants to read at bed time.  When you pick out a book he will shake his head "no" and point to the book he wants.  And we don't always make it through the entire book before he wants to read something else.  He also has this habit when grocery shopping, pointing until you get moving or give him what he wants (typical guy lol).  And he'll let you know when he is done drinking his milk.  In the mornings, he will push it away and squirm until you put him on the floor.  C'mon Mom I've got things to do and places to be!

We also forgot to mention he's getting better at his animal sounds.  When we ask him what a lion says, he will say "roar".  When we ask him what a monkey says he will do "oo ooo ah aah".  It's pretty cute.  He enjoys wrestling with his Mom and jumping on the bed.  This gets him giggling and giggling.  It's a lot of fun.  He has such a big personality, we just love this little guy!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Mr Brady is growing up every day.  He values his independence, enjoying doing things on his own.  For example, he helps Mom get the mail.  He'll hold her hand down the front walkway, wait patiently at the curb, and carry his very own piece of mail back to the house.  He's eating with plastic forks and spoons now, and eats out of a bowl or off a plate like a big boy.  For the most part he has free reign of the house, with Mom or Dad looking on.  Thanks to the little gym, he has figured out how to climb up on things like the fireplace, couch, or a laundry basket.  Now we're trying to teach him how to get back down.  Another thing he enjoys is piggy back rides.  He's still too little to understand to hang on, but he's starting to get the idea and giggles and giggles.  He will drink his milk in the morning, or eat at his highchair, but then wants to get down and go play.  He's a very active little boy.

His words are getting clearer.  This week he started saying "bubble" which is really cute.  He can also say doggie, baby, more, water, ball, kitty, mom, and dad.  He's moved up to size 4 diapers which works well given how often he likes to eat (but not a whole lot at a time).  Today he tried and liked grapes.  We had to stop buying Horizon organic milk.  Poor kid, after he'd drink it he'd get diarrhea and a horrible diaper rash for a week.  Thankfully we figured it out after 2 tries.  This was a bit of a rough week on sleep as he had some congestion and coughing which woke him up in the night.  Mom and Dad took turns putting him back to sleep and are looking forward to catching up on some sleep of their own this weekend.  We also bought him a new car seat for Mom's car, moving him up to a convertible car seat which is good both rear facing (until age 2) and forward facing (after age 2).  It is much larger and takes up half of the back seat of Mom's BMW!

He also had another play date with Ms Keira.  She has a much larger pool now, we're thinking this was more for Mom and Dad than just Keira :)  Brady had a lot of fun in his floatie and Keira in her life jacket while us parents got some sun.  Then the kids played and played and played inside.  It's never hard to get them down for a nap after a playdate.  It was a lot of fun and nice for Mom to spend some time with her friend.

It is summer in Texas, and although we did get some rain in July, August is here and it has been HOT.  To get some relief, we play in the backyard in Brady's pool, or with his new water table, or we go to a local sprayground.  These spraygrounds are a ton of fun and perfect for little kids.  The water is shallow, and there's all kids of obstacles and fountains and sprayers for the kids to splash in.  Brady had a blast splashing, getting sprayed, and watching the other little kids.  

Piggy back ride with Mom

Climbing is fun

Mr Handsome

 Tackling the cheese mat at the little gym

 1st Mellow Mushroom experience - enjoying some coloring

Playing peek-a-boo with the camera

 Getting some relief from the heat at a local sprayground

 These two have their own language