Sunday, July 14, 2013

It's been 3 weeks since we last posted (sorry), and we have lots to report on Brady and his adventures.   For his second 4th of July we took a week and went to Maine to spend some time at camp with the grandparents and uncles.  Seems every year our family grows, this year we had Uncle Paul's girlfriend and her two kids join us.  The weather was great and we got to spend a lot of time on the new dock and in (or behind) the new boat.  Brady loved the water, the squishy bottom and chilly temp did not bother him one bit.  It was great seeing everyone!

Camp with the new porch and new dock

  The new boat
Our little moose

Feeding the ducks

Watching from the porch

The boys tubing 

Uncle Chris on the wakeboard

Hanging out with Grandma Reggie 

Grandpa Bob did I win the duck race? 

Walking with my Grandmas

 Going for a dip with the girls

Swimming with Daddy

Grandpa teaching me how to drive the boat

Riding with Mom

 Playing in the sand, fun!

Our little family

Flying home to TX

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