Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer fun!  Had another play date with Keira.  Ate some BBQ, got to check out her pool, and she showed him her new potty chair.  Brady loves the water, this kid will freeze and shiver before he gets out of the pool.  He had so much fun splashing and kicking his feet, poor Dad got soaked.  Brady is now taller than Keira (by ~1/2") but at 22 lbs is lighter (by ~2lbs).  We also had another class at the Little Gym.  This week we got to play with the parachute and check out the rings.  Brady loved the parachute, that was Mom's favorite day in gym class too.

Brady did have a few new developments including tooth #11 (upper left).  The bottom molars are both in, but still no sign of the upper molars that we can tell.  We still offer him a variety of food.  This week he ate Jamaican jerk chicken courtesy of Mom's co-worker (yum).  He chowed some fig newtons (definitely a Muzzey trait) and had his first Oreo (he wasn't so into that one).  We continue to give him whole milk in different types of cups and he seems to be doing fine off the bottle.  Brady is still very much connected to his blankies (all 3) and still sucks his left thumb.

Keira and Brady (14.5 mos and 14 mos respectively) 

Splashing away!

On the new potty...sorta 

Under the parachute, so much fun! 

Exploring the mats

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