Sunday, June 23, 2013

Some bonus photos of Brady being Brady.

 Cuddling with his puppy

 Got himself stuck in the chair

 Uh oh

Riding his bike 

 Getting taller

Saying hi to his kitty

Playing with his car 

Petting the kitty

Hello Grandpa! 

Indy this is not a cracker 

Dog bed, or baby sled 

 1st Fig Newton

1st Oreo
Summer fun!  Had another play date with Keira.  Ate some BBQ, got to check out her pool, and she showed him her new potty chair.  Brady loves the water, this kid will freeze and shiver before he gets out of the pool.  He had so much fun splashing and kicking his feet, poor Dad got soaked.  Brady is now taller than Keira (by ~1/2") but at 22 lbs is lighter (by ~2lbs).  We also had another class at the Little Gym.  This week we got to play with the parachute and check out the rings.  Brady loved the parachute, that was Mom's favorite day in gym class too.

Brady did have a few new developments including tooth #11 (upper left).  The bottom molars are both in, but still no sign of the upper molars that we can tell.  We still offer him a variety of food.  This week he ate Jamaican jerk chicken courtesy of Mom's co-worker (yum).  He chowed some fig newtons (definitely a Muzzey trait) and had his first Oreo (he wasn't so into that one).  We continue to give him whole milk in different types of cups and he seems to be doing fine off the bottle.  Brady is still very much connected to his blankies (all 3) and still sucks his left thumb.

Keira and Brady (14.5 mos and 14 mos respectively) 

Splashing away!

On the new potty...sorta 

Under the parachute, so much fun! 

Exploring the mats

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Celebrating Dad this month - Happy 35th birthday Gary and happy second father's day! cream cake

Artwork by Brady - 13.5 months

Out to breakfast with Dad

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Brady had another great week with lots of new firsts.  This was his first week in the toddler room and he did great.  He's getting on a more formal schedule with breakfast, lunch, and snack times at school. All the kids go down for naps at the same time and we got Brady a really cute nap mat.  They come with built in pillows and fleece blankets (adults at Lockheed would love these).  So far he's napping ok as they pair the kids off and he sees the other kids sleeping so he sleeps too.  They did say he doesn't sleep as long as the other kids, of course he doesn't want to miss anything!  The daycare prepares all the food and offers him milk with meals and water periodically throughout the day.  So far he hasn't been a big fan of whole milk (at daycare or at home).  Some cute things about the classroom are learning to sit and eat at a table in kiddie chairs, the class pet fish Mr Shark, the water table, and arts and crafts.  This week Brady drew a picture of the fish tank for Mom and Dad to put on the fridge.

Other developments include running (we knew it wouldn't be long).  The walking/falling forward thing quickly became a run.  We started putting him in sneakers to get used to real shoes and for field trips and water days at school.  At first he took these funny wide steps but then he got the hang of it and they only make him faster.

He's enjoying bath time more trying to drink the bath water (yuck), standing up to play, and playing with the water at the faucet.  He likes to splash the faucet water and say "WOW!".  Not sure where he learned how to say wow but it's cute and he says it a lot.

As far as eating, his preferences come and go.  He seems to really like fruit especially blueberries, bananas, strawberries, and mangos.  Veggies it's hit or miss.  Sometimes he like peas, corn, carrots, green beans, and avacados, but some days he will shove them aside.  He really likes endamame beans when we go out for sushi.  For carbs he likes bread, his puffs (any flavor), pasta, and his favorite macaroni and cheese.  The messier the pasta the more he enjoys it.  He still hasn't taken to meats preferring to shove them on the floor for Indy.  Altogether he seems to be growing, looks healthy, and poops frequently so seems he's eating enough.  His bottom left molar is all the way in, but the bottom right is taking it's time and hasn't broken through the skin yet.  No signs of the upper molars yet.  He poops pretty consistently in the morning after his milk or after dinner before his bath.  Sometimes he'll poop a 3rd time at daycare.

He's really taken to sign language and can do milk, eat, more, baby, dad, up, tree, airplane, ball and bird.  We are working on cup and water.  It seems to work well as we can sorta communicate and avoid potential meltdowns (most times haha).  He does know how to shake his head "yes" and "no" and will let you know when he doesn't want to eat something.

We started playing with him in the backyard which he LOVES.  He's getting taller so will reach for the door when he wants to go outside.  He plays in the grass mostly walking around, throwing a ball, or playing in his kiddie pool.

This week we tried the Little Gym in Arlington to try to meet some local parents and kids.  It was a lot fun with circle time, shakers, sticks, balls, explore time, and playing on all the gym equipment.  There was about 10 kids in the class ranging from 10-19 months (the "birds" age group).  Brady was really sweet to one shy little 17 mo old boy smiling at him and reaching for his hand.  The shy boy gave him a half smile and within minutes was crawling around getting more adventurous.  Mom met another couple who kept apologizing for their son taking balls away from Brady.  Apparently their kid stays home with Grandma all day so doesn't get much exposure to other kids or learning to share.  Mom told them no worries.  We're all signed up for the 11 wk summer program so should be fun.

Another first was Brady climbing the stairs.  This kid loves to climb!  Mom let him climb and he did extremely well almost like he'd done it before.  He was proud of himself when he got to the top.  While he can climb up, we'll wait on going back down until he's a little older.

The forecast calls for 100 deg temps this week, bring on the Texas summer!

Enjoying a graduation cupcake - congrats on going to the toddler room!

Brady's nap mat

Our big boy in his new convertible car seat

 Walking in the yard with Mom

Playing catch with Indy 

Backyard adventures

The Little Gym in Arlington - I wanna go back in and play!

Checking my SPF before hitting the pool 

Pool time with Mom 

Splashing with Mom

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Greeted by an amazing display of sidewalk chalk art during this morning's walk to the park.