Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week 50 -

Brady had a great week, standing longer on his own and taking more steps learning to walk.  He'll walk toward you with his hands in the air ready to catch himself at all times.  He babbles and chatters a lot, and still points making noises like he's trying to say the name of the object.  He's a bundle of energy cruising around the house walking along the furniture or walls, or crawling room to room.  The baby gates are up, both upstairs and downstairs.  They're a pain when you have a basket full of laundry, but they limit Indy from watching squirrels and barking when Brady's trying to take a nap.

Speaking of naps, Brady is down to 1-2 a day, usually 1 at daycare for 45 min-2 hours late morning.  If he only took a short nap at school, he may take a 30 min power nap before dinner.  School is going well, when Brady gets a little more self sufficient he will move to the toddler room (1-2 year olds).  His buddy Jackson (95th percentile) is moving next week.  They usually move the babies in a group so they stay together, makes the adjustment easier.  We got his school photos back this week, unfortunately we did NOT cut his hair in time so we apologize for the comb over!  But he's still cute.

This week was Keira's 1st birthday.  Crazy to think a year has gone by already!  She's doing really well.  Developmentally her and Brady are pretty close - she's a little taller but lighter, she stands more but attempts to walk less, and generally she's pretty laid back while Brady is constantly on the go.  They had fun playing with Keira's gifts (still in the boxes of course) and crawling around the house.  Brady had fun playing with the toys but LOVED the bounce house.  It had a small area partitioned off that was perfect for Brady and Keira to crawl around without the big kids jumping on them.  It was fun for parents as well.

Next week Mom will be solo again - maybe another Mother-Son dinner date?

Brady - 11 months old

Loves his Cherrios 

Keira opening her gift from Brady

Playing with balloons

Warming up to the bounce house, then we couldn't get him out!

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