Thursday, April 20, 2017

Brady Turns 5 & Well Visit

Wow, hard to believe our big guy is turning 5!  He's getting so grown up becoming a little man with his own thoughts and ideas.  He still has tremendous energy, imagination, and curiosity, and his independence grows with every passing day.  When Mommy told him he was turning 5 he came up with a list of things he wants to do at 5 including ride a bike without training wheels, play t-ball, go to kindergarten, and read.  These are all big kid things, Mommy's little baby is getting all grown up!

We can tell Brady is literally growing fast as he doesn't stop eating.  He eats as much as us adults.  We often have to give him two helpings, and 30 min after dinner he's already saying "I'm hungry".  The bottomless pit!  A funny thing he started doing is collecting rocks.  He finds them at school, on walks, in the backyard, and saves them in his pockets.  Then when he gets home he saves them in his rock bag (a converted lunch bag).  He's started quite a collection of various types of rocks.  In addition to rocks he's started bringing home plastic jewels from school.  He calls them diamonds and shares some of them with Mommy.  The others he puts under his pillow with a few other random treasures he's collected.  Love his curiosity and appreciation but we probably need to return these items to school.  Speaking of school, on his birthday he told Daddy he would drop him off at work and could drive himself and Parker to school.  Thankfully time isn't passing that fast!

Brady also had his 5 year well visit - he weighed in at 40.6 lbs (50%) and a height of 41.5 inches (22%) with a BMI of 16.6 (81%).  He got a clean bill of health and is a normal healthy 5 year old.

Since Brady shares his birthday with his Uncle E, we treated the both of them to a birthday dinner.  Going back to our Texas roots we took them to the closest thing here in the northeast for good Mexican.  Brady was excited to share his birthday dinner with Uncle E.  They got to share the sombrero and got free fried ice cream dessert.  What else could you want when you're 5 (or 37)?

Next weekend the boys will have their joint birthday party with the family, should be fun!!!

The birthday boys