Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Brady's 1st Tooth and 1st Ski Lesson

After a week of wiggling, Brady lost his first tooth!  The magic moment came while Brady was chewing on Captain America's head in the tubby and Parker bumped him, out popped the tooth and a little bit of blood.  Daddy was quick to rescue the tooth so it didn't go down the drain.  Brady was very excited but he did turn a little pale after he saw and tasted the blood.  We put the tooth in a plastic bag and under his pillow for the tooth fairy.  In the morning Brady woke up to a $1 under his pillow, he was so excited!

 4 Years Old and Lost A Tooth!

This past weekend Brady also had his 1st two-hour ski lesson at Wachusett.  This was good for Brady to help him forget his crash in Vermont and put him in a group lesson with other kids his age.  They skied on the small hill going up the magic carpet and down the hill on their own.  He practiced his pizza wedge to slow down, turning, and side stepping up hill.  Brady had a great day and at the end of the lesson asked the teachers if he could do "just one more?"  He ended on a high note.  The temps have really warmed up this week and our 2ft of snow is melting fast, we probably have ~9" left.  It's getting wet and sticky, good snowman snow.  Hoping it hangs around long enough for one more ski trip north to Cranmore so we can use our vouchers.

So Proud Of Our Little Man

With all the snow we've had fun sledding in the backyard.  We have the perfect hill for sledding, as long as you can stop and not crash in the woods at the end.  We've broken a few sleds and bought a few new ones.  We have a long sled that likes to go really fast and you can put 3 people on the sled.  We've also tried shorter sleds, saucers, and a blow up tube.  The boys are getting old enough they now ride together without a grown up and they just have a blast!

Brady and Parker Sledding In Our Backyard

Happy Winter Everyone!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Two Valentine's Studs

The boys had a great Valentine's day.  This year Brady wrote his own Valentine's cards to his classmates writing both their name and his.  He's getting so grown up!  We did Parker's for him.  The boys had a lot of fun exchanging cards with their classmates.  Then they had a school wide Sweetheart Formal including the parents dressing up.  Mommy had to work late (boo) so didn't get to go.  Daddy dressed up and did a great job capturing photos.  Keira (TX) is to Brady like Maddie (MA) is to Parker, and Parker had a great time playing with the heart balloon with Maddie.  They were so cute!  Brady had more fun jumping to the music with his classmate Owen.  Both looked little studs in their formal attire.

Valentine's From Daycare

Two Little Studs Ready for the Formal

Maddie and Parker 

Daddy and His Boys