Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thanksgiving & Ready for the Holidays

We had a great Thanksgiving with our family.  Dave & Nancy came from NJ and stayed a few days.  The Muzzey family came down and we had the grandparents and all the uncles.  We brought our Texas tradition to the northeast and fried not one but two turkeys.  Our pot is a little small so this was key to having leftovers haha.  Everyone brought sides and dessert and we were a bunch of stuffed turkeys when all was said and done.  Parker and Brady hung in as long as they could eating a little before Parker was pooped and had to take a nap.  It was great to see everyone and get to host our family at our house.  Another perk of living in the northeast!

Thanksgiving with the Family

Enjoying the Thanksgiving Parade at Plymouth Rock MA

Since Thanksgiving the boys have been getting in the Christmas holiday spirit.  Mom found some toddler skates at the kids consignment store so we took Parker out on the ice for the first time.  It was fun to skate all as a family.  Brady is such an independent spirit, he tells us "I can do it" and off he goes without Mom and Dad.  He skates in a little shuffle of his feet but is able to keep his balance and can get up from the ice all on his own.  Parker had a blast too, holding onto Daddy's arms while Daddy skated him around.  He actually cried when we got off the ice.  Following public skate was a local boys team hockey game and our boys were just fascinated watching the big kids.  Since then they've been wearing their Bruins sweatshirts from Uncle Paul.

Parker's First Time on Ice Skates

We got our Christmas tree from the same tree farm this year.  The boys had fun running through the maze of trees, chasing each other, and listening for the tractor.  We got a healthy tree that just fits in our living room and drinks a ton of water.  Was a good thing we had a new tree stand this year although Mom accidentally overfilled it and soaked the carpet.

Our Elves Decorating the Tree

We also took part in our new holiday tradition of journeying to NH to ride the Polar Express.  This year we rode it out of North Conway and it was certainly polar (-3 degrees!).  They boys enjoyed the train, the lights, the hot coca, stamping and mailing Brady's letter to Santa, and visiting the North Pole.  Brady was very excited to see the elves workshop and caroling.  Parker was excited to watch Brady and the other kids.  This year for Christmas Brady asked for a Transformer, special glasses (virtual reality), and Batman.  Parker asked for toys and diggers.  I'm sure Santa was listening.  Was also fun for the boys to see Santa as he came around to say hi to all the boys and girls.

Riding the Polar Express

The boys have been enjoying all the activity of the holiday season.  They got to attend the tree lighting in the Chelmsford town center to include seeing Santa and taking tractor and horse drawn hay rides.  They also got to visit Daddy's work to see Santa and get a special gift.  After the ride on the Polar Express we took the boys to the ski slopes for Parker's first time on skis.  Parker did great and kept saying "I'm skiing!"  Mr Independent again, Brady hopped on his skis and took off down the slope without Mom and Dad.  Unfortunately skiing was a bit of a bust as after just one run the power went out on the magic carpet and we had to quit for the day (snowplow hit a pole and took out power).  But given how great the boys did we can't wait to try again!

Parker's First Time Skiing at Mt Cranmore

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, Merry Christmas!