Saturday, July 23, 2016

Brady's 1st Front Page Article

We had an unfortunate mishap with the '61 Chevy engine and had to take it to Gary's cousins shop in Maryland for repair.  Brady made the road trip with Dad and got to spend the weekend with his Maryland cousins and make a trip to the Cecil County fair.  During the fair it poured for a good 45 minutes, did that stop Brady and his cousin Zack - heck no!  They had a lot of fun running in the rain and the puddles.  Their excitement and enjoyment was captured by a local photographer and the boys made the front page of the local newspaper - Brady's first!

Zack and Brady enjoying the puddles

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Growing Up

The boys are having a great summer.  They get to see their grandparents every weekend and the uncles almost as frequently.  Both boys are enjoying the Tyngsboro multi-sports center with Brady playing multiple sports and Parker playing soccer every Saturday.  Brady is super fast and Parker does great dribbling the soccer ball.

Brady is getting so grown up.  This week he switched to a seat belt over his car seat in the car.  He then asked "Am I still 4?" Super cute.  He also puts himself down for naps now and while he does play a little bit, look out the window, or occasionally come out in the hall, he will take a blankie cuddle up and go to sleep on his own.  And since the weather has been so nice he's been able to get out and ride his balance bike.  He will ride it on the back lawn down the hill the whole way with his feet up.  Looks like we need to get out the pedal bike.  Where did my baby go?

Parker's words are getting so clear.  Seems every day he learns a new word or comes out with a new phrase on his own.  Last weekend on the way to Maine we were on a pretty bumpy road.  The boys were laughing as their cheeks jiggled and Parker came out and said "bumpy road" all by himself.  Just love these kids!  He's growing up so fast but still has his terrible two moments.  He's starting to do better if you offer him a choice but if he doesn't like the choices good luck haha.

Riding bikes in the backyard