Saturday, October 17, 2015

Fall 2015

Following an Indian Summer, Fall finally arrived in the northeast in full colorful splendor.  70s and 80s have turned to 40s and 50s, with the hardwoods showing their full range of red, yellow, and orange.  It only took about 2 weeks for the first real colors to show before they faded and the leaves fell from the trees.  The kids keep us busy, and Mommy still has to travel a lot, but we take full advantage of the beautiful scenery on the weekends.

Parker is a little boy now - he does so well with his signs and he's talking more and more each day.  His first word was "bubble" as he loves his baths, but not long after was followed by mama and dada.  He also says Brady but it kind of sounds like baby.  Each day his words get clearer.  Other big boy things he does are climb the stairs all by himself, follow directions ("pickup blankie" or "bring this to Mommy" or "put blankie in your school cubby"), help get himself dressed, and eats with a fork or spoon by himself although it's very messy.  While he can't really talk yet, he does understand what you're saying like "let's go to bed" and he heads to the stairs, or "let's eat" and he goes to his highchair.  He likes to eat all the time, just not much at one time and is still in the 5th percentile.  Like big brother, he has taken to yogurt and fruit which is always a good backup when he rejects the menu.  At night when Mom or Dad are cooking you can find him in the kitchen trying to put his on pan on the stove, our future culinary chef.  His other favorite thing to do is play outside, he could stay out there for hours.  Now at 17 months old, it was time for his first haircut.  It was also Mommy's first haircut, and he did a great job holding still watching the iPhone.  Overally he's still such a happy kid, always giving big smiles and big hugs.

Brady is full of imagination and energy - he has a range of emotions not unlike many 3 yr olds and you can usually tell how he's feeling just by looking at him whether he's happy, sad, angry, or playful.  He is a great negotiator especially when it comes to cartoons or candy, the trick is getting him distracted.  An epic story teller when on the potty, the craziest stories always come out of his mouth.  Who knew big poop comes out of your left leg and small poop comes out of your right.  He is rough and tumble with his climbing, jumping, running, kicking, dancing, or singing, all signs of a happy healthy little boy.  It only multiplies with Parker joining in on the fun.  One of their favorite things to do together is eat snacks in the hallway closest together which is very messy but keeps them occupied for some time.  Some cool stuff Brady has learned in preschool is to spot the first letter of his name "B".  He can also spell his first name.  When he gets to school he makes his own breakfast pouring his cereal and milk. He hangs up his jacket on his hook with his name, and puts his blankie in his own cubby.  When he does finally get tired, he is quite the snuggler telling Mom or Dad to cuddle him, he also likes to hold Mommy's hand.  Our sweet loving little boy.

Fall family photo op 

Playing together 

Enjoying the Trails at Great Brook Farm State Park 

Parker (and Mommy's) first haircut