Monday, August 31, 2015

New School Year & Brady Starts Preschool (End of Summer)

It's been a great first summer here in the northeast.  The boys have had quite the opportunity to see family and friends and spend lots of time exploring our new area.  It's been fun to watch another summer pass and see the boys bond for one another grow.  Even though it's been uncharacteristically warm for this area (upper 80s...if we were still in Texas people would think it was a cold front), the trees seem to know fall is coming and the first touches of orange, yellow, and red have reached the tips of the leaves.

Marking the official end of summer is the boys transitions to their next classrooms - Brady to preschool and Parker to the toddler room.  For Brady this has been the easiest drop off yet, he is meeting new friends and enjoying new toys so never has a hard time letting go of Mom's hand.  Parker has some of his old classmates and some from his buddy room so about the only new for him are his teachers.  He does cry for Mom at drop off but they gave us a poem, tissue, and chocolate to make it all better.

Brady is doing all kinds of big kid things in his new classroom - learning to recognize his name, learning how to meet people and introduce himself by shaking hands, and new books new games and new toys all focused on learning through play.  We are so proud of him!

 1st day of preschool - someone is ready!

1st day of the toddler room - Mr Smiles 

 Parker's 1st Toddler sheet - no more sign in sheets!

Brady's 1st Preschool sheet 
(one of the cats spilled water that took out the pink notes at the bottom)

Monday, August 10, 2015

Parker's 15 month checkup

Parker had his 15 month checkup today - he weighed in at 18lbs 7oz (3%) and 28.5" tall (1%).  At his 12 month checkup he was 16lbs 8oz and 27.5" tall (both below the charts), so he's made a good upturn in his stats.  Developmentally he is doing well, getting better with his verbal communication.  He can say mama, dada, doggie, bird, and boat both verbally and with his signs.  He also signs milk and more quite frequently.  His walking is going very well, and he has learned to walk backwards (which makes him giggle) and stand up on his own without holding onto something.  And he responds to commands listening when we say "No" not to go up the stairs (unlike his brother) or "Ready to eat?" making a direct route to his highchair.  The pediatrician was a little concerned that he's on the low end of the growth curve, but given his mom is small and his brother was around 5% for some time, and developmentally he is right on track, we will continue to monitor his growth.  Unfortunately Mommy had to wake him from a nap at school to take him to the doctor's visit, so he was a little less happy than usual and didn't enjoy having his vitals taken (heart rate and temp), nor his attempted eye exam, or his 3 vaccinations (Dtap, MMR, Chickenpox - 1st MMR and Chickenpox).  And since Daddy had the diaper bag in his truck, Mommy was poorly prepared with snacks or a dry diaper but Parker was a trooper not complaining once. We're so happy he's healthy and doing well, we just love having Parker light up our world.  We love you Parker! 

Content to wait on the scale