Monday, July 20, 2015

Summer Fun!

Children are absolutely amazing.  Brady continues to surprise us in the most amazing ways - this week he learned to go potty all by himself.  Without going into too much detail, let's just say he can stand to pee and sit to poop all by himself.  What a major accomplishment for our little man!  And he's started learning not only how to take his own clothes off, but put them on too.  Like all things it takes a little practice, so we're not worried when he comes home with his shoes on the opposite feet or shirts inside out and backwards.  He'll get the hang of it.  Can't believe in just over a month our little man will be in pre-school!  Think he's already gotten a head start with all this independence.  He's also really taken to his gymnastics class.  The first class he wanted Mommy nearby.  The next class the parents had to stay by the door and let the kids join when ready (Brady took about 10-15 min before he couldn't resist the fun).  By the third class it was only a minute or two before he forgot Mommy and was in the circle with the other kids.  He is fearless and willing to try anything.  All this gymnastics has come home too, he now does handstands on the wall, jumps between or off furniture, practices his forward rolls, and started backbends.  Our little monkey.  Someone once told us 3s were harder than 2s - while we love all stages of our boys lives, we have to say 3s are so much FUN!

Gymnastics class at The Little Gym

Parker is doing amazing too - he is now 4 weeks into walking and he's only getting faster.  He still keeps his hands up as he goes which is a good idea with an older brother or dog constantly zooming by him.  Always smiling, he doesn't get upset at much, he's a very chill baby.  And he is just enamored by his older brother wanting to grow up to be just like him.  Parker has switched from baby bottles to the same bottles as Brady and will drink 3/4 of hot milk when he first wakes up and again at bedtime.  He seems to really like water too going for Mom or Dad's ice water or drinking tub water (silly boy).  He eats just about everything we offer him only having the occasionally food aversion.  When all else fails bananas are a favorite.  Not sure where he puts it all, his 6 little teeth are busy, this boy can eat!  We are expecting a big uptick in weight at his 15 mo checkup next month.  As for sleeping he is still sleeping through the night, but appears to be a morning person and is regularly awake and smiling by 6:30am (Brady is sound asleep until we wake him at 7am).  He's getting really good at his signs especially "more", "done", "dog", "please", and "up".  And he will say "Mama" and "Dada" and "Dog", of course it's not perfect diction so you have to be listening but he is doing so great!  It's amazing that while he can't talk much, how much he can understand.  If you ask him "where's Brady?" he will turn and look until he finds Brady and smiles.  He does that with everything (where's the fan? where's Indy? etc).  This also works well when you tell him "No, don't climb the stairs" or "Give Brady a kiss on the cheek goodnight" - he does it!

Mr Smiley "Watch Me Run All Over The Beach with my Chip!"

How Parker signs "more"

We've had a busy summer exploring our new area and getting to enjoy the outdoors (couldn't do this in Texas in the summer, that's when we used to hibernate!).  We've been to camp with the Muzzey family to celebrate July 4th, been strawberry and blueberry picking, we've spent the day at the beach in Ogunquit Maine, we've had the Seminara grandparents visit, we've gone to a local farm to feed the animals and get some fresh ice cream, and rode in a town bike ride.  We're so lucky we can offer our kids all these experiences.  We wonder if we'll be able to keep our boys grounded - that's when Brady stands up and shares a favorite toy with a classmate.  We think so :)  

"Mommy, I can do it!" 

Brother time at the beach

 Making cookies with Grandma

Playing cars with Grandpa