Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Happy Mother's Day!  Being a mother has taught me incredible strength, perseverance, humility, and joy (with a touch of exhaustion) but has brought the biggest most surprising reward to my life - happiness and fulfillment.  The road has not always been straight and flat, and the lessons have been many, but with each passing day I watch my boys grow into the smart, funny, caring men they will become.  I can only hope to impart on them the wisdom handed down to me.  Happy mother's day to all the wonderful mothers and grandmothers out there, we love you!!!

Minute Man National Historic Park - Concord MA
(Shot heard around the world - where the revolutionary war started 240 yrs ago)

 Almost walking!

 Brother time

 Rare moment of Brady holding still

 Enjoying a nice day at the park with Mom


Not easy catching Mr On-The-Go

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Parker - 1 year old

Happy birthday Parker!!!

Today our littlest munchkin turned 1 year old - thankfully he was feeling better after another stomach bug and was able to go back to school.  He was still coming back around so didn't want to each much for dinner and was more excited about his candle than his cupcake, but he was still a cutie.  Can't believe how quickly the time has passed.  We are so blessed to have this sweet angel in our lives.  He is such a chill happy baby, he brings a smile to our faces and those around him every day.  We love you Parker!!!

Then and Now - Parker Turns 1!

Daddy what's that bright thing!?

Not digging his cupcake