Saturday, March 29, 2014

Fort Worth Zoo March 2014

Took advantage of a clear cool spring day to visit the Fort Worth Zoo and see if the animals were out of hibernation.  Sure enough, not only out of hibernation but with a few new additions to the zoo family.  Brady had a blast seeing all the animals, going on the train and carousel, and exploring the zoo.  He's been into the movie Madagascar lately so was excited to see the lions, zebras, hippos, and giraffes - he calls all lions Alex.  Can't wait to take him to Fossil Rim or SeaWorld.

 Getting a birds eye view

 Baby Belle and Baby Bowie (born late summer/early fall 2013)

 Wanna go play?

 Riding on the Yellow Rose Express train

 1st Carousel ride - he hung on all by himself!

 Wow what big teeth you have

 Conversing with the gorillas

 The fam on the Yellow Rose Express train

Checking out some of the man made wildlife

Sunday, March 2, 2014

February 2014 Adventures

Another month goes by and Brady gets one month closer to turning two.  His birthday falls on Easter this year (as does Uncle E's) so will take some coordination and planning.  But Mommy already has some ideas.

Brady still sleeps great, going down for bed at 8pm and waking up at 7am (school days) or on his own at 730-8am on weekends.  He also still naps 1x/day right after lunch for ~1.5-2 hrs.  We put a pillow in his crib and playpen that he seems to like to sleep with, plus a favorite soft blanket.  He really loves his Cars toddler blanket he got from Grandma Reggie at Christmas.  As for eating, he has one cup of warm milk when he wakes up, then breakfast, lunch, one snack, dinner, and another cup of warm milk before bed.  He drinks water or a 50/50 mix of water/juice intermittently during the day.  He regularly poops mid-morning, with an occasional poop after dinner before his bath.  

He has a few new favorite things - he's gotten into Curious George and Dinosaurs.  He likes watching the Curious George or Dinosaur Train cartoons on TV, or reading Curious George books.  We recently took him to the FW Museum of Science and History to see the dinosaur exhibit, he makes the best dinosaur roar (it's the same noise for sharks, lions, tigers, and bears)!  Another favorite thing is running full speed around the house pushing his dump truck or motorcycle.  Indy got run over once, now he gets out of the way.  Speaking of Indy, for about a month he got in super protective mode of his family.  Not sure if it's because Mommy is preggo or he's guarding Brady, or both, but when we were out with him twice he's barked and lunged at our neighbors.  Thankfully that phase seems to have passed.  Mommy was just happy that wasn't a sign of imminent (and early) labor.

Brady's also learned to count, and can count from 1 to 10.  We're working on colors, he seems to call everything blue but on drives home from school Mommy teaches him red and green (stop lights).  He likes to draw, either with his markers on his special paper or with chalk on his easel.  One day he just started drawing "Mommy, Daddy, Brady" on his easel - we were just some scribbled lines but it was really sweet.  

He really enjoys his independence.  When we get home Mommy gives him the house keys to take to the door.  This gives Brady a sense of responsibility and keeps him from getting too distracted by whatever he passes by (and frees up Mommy's hands).  He also brings in groceries or mail (ok maybe 1 item), will help pick up stuff off the floor and throw it in the trash, and take whatever item to Mommy/Daddy.  But still no real interest in using the potty.  

Here are some photos from his recent adventures:

Izzy's 2nd Birthday Party - at a giant bounce house indoor park.


 Playing grab the flag with Izzy

Sharing cake with some friends

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day at the daycare - love all his little friends!
(plus a few bonus gifts from Grandma Reggie)

Mom & Dad's 9th anniversary

Our little man growing up:
 Enjoying this February spring weather (nice shirt too)

 Coloring with Daddy at dinner

 Mommy did this as a kid, it's hereditary?

Drinking from a big boy cup all on his own

Daddy teaching him how to make big bubbles