Sunday, November 24, 2013

It has a been a chilly rainy November in Texas, but all the better for getting in the holiday spirit!  Brady enjoys watching the Polar Express, and Mom and Dad have watched Christmas Vacation more than once.

Here are some photos of the family getting ready for the holidays.  Looking forward to having Grandma Reggie, Jeff, and Uncle Erik down for Thanksgiving (and catching the Pats game in Houston).  And later in December, spending Christmas with the Muzzey family in NH.  Hope to get Brady out in the snow for some sledding and making snowmen!

Impromptu photo in front of the tree at the mall - Brady 19 months (1.5 yrs)

Fenway "enjoying" her holiday outfit

Foxy trying the hat on

Daddy and Indy getting in the spirit

Saturday, November 2, 2013

This was a busy week with a quick weekend getaway, Halloween, and the Red Sox winning the WORLD SERIES!  Mom and Dad have been working hard so decided to take a little road trip to Arkansas for some rest and relaxation.  We originally planned to go to buffalo river, but shortened the time on the road and stayed at Denby Point on Lake Ouachita.  It was a really beautiful park with big pines, oaks, and maples all in their fall foliage colors.  The sides of the lake were pretty rocky, long flat rocks, and Brady had a lot of fun throwing rocks in the water.  We were going to do some hiking but it was rainy.  Instead we explored the park (the large trees provided a good canopy), drove around the lake, and enjoyed the scenery.  Brady had a lot of fun in the RV, playing outside, and sitting in his camp chair.

Our site 

 Special treat - breakfast donut

 Helping Mom and Dad grocery shop

Hanging out with Mom 

Check out this stick!

Mid-week we had Halloween.  This year we went as superheros - the Avengers!  Similar to last year, we went around to our close neighbors to trick or treat.  Our street was pretty quiet this year (older neighborhood I guess).  Then we drove over to see some family friends and played with their kiddos.  Brady was the youngest and of course had a blast running and squealing with the big kids.  Bad for Mom and Dad, we ended up with a bunch of candy we don't want to eat.  I'm sure our co-workers won't mind us bringing some in.

 Ironman and the Hulk

 The Hulk and Captain America

 Hulk SMASH!

Even Hulk's get sleepy

And the Boston Red Sox beat the St Louis Cardinals to win the 2013 World Series!  Last year we were the worst team in baseball, look how far we've come.  We're happy to represent Red Sox nation and root them on from Texas - congratulations Red Sox!!!

The champs with Big Papi (MVP) at the center with goggles

Great city, great atmosphere, great team!