Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week 1 -

What timing! Mom Reggie flew into town April 19th only hours after contractions had started.  Bob and Terry had arrived back in the RV only the day before.  Brady was born April 20th the same day as Uncle Erik's birthday and the 100th anniversary of Fenway Park home of the Boston Redsox.  While disappointed our doctor didn't do the delivery and that we delivered by c-section, we were overwhelmed with joy to welcome into the world a healthy baby boy.

Mom spent the week recovering and learning all about her new angel.  Dad really took to the role becoming an expert at diapering, swaddling, and bathing.  Having the Muzzey grandparents here was a HUGE help as we adjusted to life at home.  Thank you thank you thank you for being so wonderful and taking care of us our first week home!

Brady is just amazing.  He has taken really well to nursing and has begun turning his head to look at who is speaking to him.  He also loves being rocked by Grandma Reggie and wiggling in his crib.  His least favorite things are diaper changes and baths (poor Daddy).  We had 2 visits to the pediatrician this week - the first was the day after leaving the hospital where he got his Hep B shot and weighed in at 6lb 3oz (lost 8oz since birth), the second was another weight check at 6lb 6oz showing he's gaining and healthy.

So check out our blog - we have links for pictures and videos and plan to note milestones and accomplishments week to week.  We will also add links to friends pages.  If there is anything else you'd like to see please let us know.

Looking forward to having the Seminara grandparents in town next week!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Brady has arrived!!

Day 1 –
New Parents
Finally!  The moment we have been waiting for the past 9 months – the birth of our son Brady Owen Seminara @ 4:53pm on Friday, April 20th. Brady was born by c-section weighing 6lbs 11oz and was 19” long.  A quick count verified 10 fingers and 10 toes!